Monday, June 25, 2012

Get back in the water....

Bethany Hamilton is a young surfer whose name shot to 'fame' because a shark had bit her arm clean off, while she was surfing.  Even now my stomach cringes at the thought of what that must have felt like.  Bethany, as it turns out was quite a young girl who started surfing at the tender age of eight.  At about 13 years old, enjoying the sport she loved, Bethany endured a horrible attack.  How sad.  Horrible even.  Yet for me, this is where the story begins.

Bethany has become quite an inspiration to others.  She credits her amazing strength, as well as her emotional recovery to her solid faith.  I believe that for people who are able to rewrite their story, they lean on a power source that is greater than our mortal selves.  In Bethany's case that is her faith in God.

Bethany has decided not to wear prosthesis, not to hide her injury, and almost at once, she went back in the water.  Yes, as soon as she could, Bethany began to surf again.

What is it that causes this young woman to face death head on and not give in?  What is it that drives this young woman to refuse to be held hostage to the threat of a deadly shark?  Who would really have faulted her if she never went back to the ocean?

How many times do we succumb to our own trauma that we can never go that route again?  We tell ourselves something like, "I had an accident, I will never drive again."  "My husband (wife) cheated, I will never fall in love again."  "I failed twice before, I can never try again."  The stories go on and on.

I'm speaking to you... as I'm speaking to myself because Bethany's narrative inspires me to do more.   If you ever get bit, or stung, or hurt... or even if you tell yourself you're just scared... I hope you find your way to get back in the water.  Take your time, ask for help, but do it.  Just do it.

1 comment:

  1. Denise
    I am not a frequent reader of your blog. Thanks for posting it especially now. Very inspiring!
    I will share it. A actually saw the movie
    And for me I will get back in the water!
